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[Immigration History Trivia] Australia Day Actually Has Ties to Britain!

Australia's immigration history is rich and complex, influenced by various historical, political, and economic factors. This article will take you through the evolution of Australia's immigration history, from the earliest Indigenous inhabitants to European colonization, and the modern waves of immigration.

  1. British Colonization (1788)


On January 26, 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip of Britain led the First Fleet to Sydney Cove, bringing excess prisoners to Australia as a penal colony and establishing the New South Wales colony. This date became Australia's National Day, known as Australia Day.

  1. Gold Rush (1850s)


The discovery of vast gold deposits in central Australia sparked an unprecedented gold rush, attracting immigrants from all over the world. By 1901, Chinese immigrants, under the rule of the Qing Dynasty, became the third-largest immigrant group in Australia, after the British and Germans.

  1. The White Australia Policy (1901)


In 1901, the Australian government enacted the Immigration Restriction Act, commonly known as the White Australia Policy. This law imposed stringent language tests to limit non-European immigration, aiming to maintain Australia's "white" population. The language tests were extremely difficult for people whose first language was not English, considering the educational standards and literacy levels of the time.

Statistics show that until 1909, 1,359 applicants took the test, but only 52 passed. After 1909, no applicant ever passed, highlighting the harsh and exclusionary nature of the policy.

  1. Post-WWII Refugee Influx (1950s)

Following the end of World War II, Australia launched the Migration Promotion Scheme to address population and labor shortages. By offering free or low-cost fares, Australia attracted large numbers of immigrants from Europe. As the Australian economy gradually recovered, the White Australia Policy was abolished in 1975, and immigration from Asia began to increase.

  1. Skilled Migration and Globalization (1990s - Present)

In the 1990s, as globalization and technological development accelerated, Australia's demand for skilled workers increased. Immigration policies shifted towards a "skilled migration" model, with more immigrants coming from China, India, the Middle East, and Africa.

Later, the Australian government introduced various investment visas to encourage global investors to inject new funds into the Australian market and boost economic vitality.

Recently, however, Australia's real estate market has faced issues like supply shortages and soaring property prices, largely due to these investment visas. As a result, the Australian government decided to halt all applications for investment migration visas to mitigate the impact of foreign capital on the local housing market.

  1. Conclusion

Australia's immigration policies have evolved through various phases—from early racial exclusion and the White Australia Policy to later racial diversity and a focus on skilled migration. Today, Australia is not only a multicultural society with a rich cultural heritage but also one of the most popular immigration destinations in the world.

Recently, Australian immigration policies have been continuously adjusted to address changes in the labor market and global population flows. Stay tuned for further insights into Australia's immigration visa policies.


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